September is Self Care Month

Did you know that September is self care month? And what is self care? Well, it consists of 8 areas:

  • Physical: diet and exercise
  • Mental: Positive thinking, learning new skills, mental acuity
  • Emotional: Having healthy boundaries, therapy
  • Social: Healthy interpersonal relationships, social media restrictions
  • Professional: Avoiding toxic workplaces, setting goals
  • Environmental: Home, cleanliness, decluttering, Feng Shui
  • Spiritual: Meditation, worship
  • Financial: Smart money choices

The library has many books on these 8 areas such as:

    We also talk about Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. and his podcast with Dr. Maya Shankar where they discuss how to shape your identity and your goals. You can check out that episode and podcast HERE. Nicole suggests some books as well that might be good for teens to read.

    We hope you enjoyed this episode and please comment with any suggestions!