Get some popcorn and watch some new movies on this month’s DVD list: Sara has the details. Plus Nicole has information on how social media is effecting teens and what resources we have at the library to deal with it.
This episodes takeaways: Sal lets us know they are premiering “Inside the Mind of a Dog” on Netflix. Also Sal does not realize that sign language is different in other countries. Also, if you are watching this on YouTube, Nicole subconsciously starts signing what she is saying after she talks about sign language- something to notice.
Check out these new movies coming to the library! I apologize that my printouts cut off most of the sentences in the summaries and I had to improvise, but we had enough information to whet your appetite!

Nicole discusses social media for kids. The senate passed a bill to enforce kids and teens safety on social media platforms by default for kids under 17 but it has to pass in the senate next. Kids get the summer slide, where they forget what they learn in the prior year during the summer, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. But how do we combat this summer slide? Encourage games and activities that have math components in them. Go to the library!!! Do stuff outside.