I talk about books, shock! We first take a look at the Lives of Saints and it has 12 volumes, broken down by month. August 20th is St. Bernard’s day, amongst others. AND did you know our very own librarian Sal’s cousin is a saint and her saint day is May 19th!! I mean, I think is the most interesting thing we ever discussed on this pod.
The next book is called Magic Days! The journey of those born on August 20th is one of social diplomacy, May 19th is born of earthly brilliance, September 1 is born of intuitive genius, and April 9th is a deliberate journey of deliberate metamorphosis.
Also, Lonely Planet has a book on where to go and when, so in the month of August, month of 8, it says to go to Sweden, Ecuador, and Canada! It tells you why and what to do, take a look-see and enjoy. Oh, and Sal “climbed” a volcano, and by climbing he means sitting in a car.
Nicole has books too! Nicole wants kids to get ready to go back to school. It can be traumatizing for some. Nicole talks about articles to help with dealing with jitters and school.