Episode 323 – A Poem on Stress

Wow, episode 323!! It’s still a little chilly, but is it sandal weather?? Up to you!

It’s National Poetry Month, and MCPL has a database for that!! Check out “Poetry and Short Story Reference Center‘ which can be used at home or in the library. National Poetry Month was established in 1996 by the American Academy of Poets. The database is very user-friendly and has lesson plans for teachers as well. Nicole states she is not a poet but does like to analyze it. Both YS and Adult has a nice poem collection including new and staple poets. Nicole likes Shel Silverstein and his poem “The Sitter” and “I Didn’t”. Check out our poem collection to read those poems!

Here’s a haiku for you (also not featured in the pod, just for you blog readers):

Voices weave through air,
Stories dance in whispered tones,
Mind’s theater blooms.

Did you know April is also National Stress Awareness Month. Who gets stressed? Everyone!! But too much stress is a silent killer. However, a whole lot of stress can lead to physical problems, strokes, IBS, ulcers, diabetes, muscle and joint pain, miscarriages, etc etc. We went to the World Health Organization page to learn a little bit more about stress. So stress is a natural human response, right? Stress can make it hard for us to relax and so stress creates anxiety and irritability, which I know a little bit about.

How to combat stress? Eat regularly, have daily chores, sleep, exercise, and have hobbies. Also, sleep better by: be comfy temperature wise, check your electronic usage, avoid large meals and caffeine/alcohol.

Also Sal stresses out Nicole and Sara during traveling. However last work conference, Nicole was very forgetful and forgot her wallet AND phone at different times.