Episode 316 Great Audiobooks in 2024

Did you know that we still have space in some of our great kids programs happening in March at the library? Nicole has a sample of ones you might want to get the kiddos to join. Plus Sara has a list of audiobooks that you might want to check out today using one of our fabulous digital services such as Libby or Hoopla!

Don’t forget we have the cafe at the library with different flavors and specials!

Nicole talks about some programs we have for kids and teens: Painted Rock Programs, Underground in the Afternoon, Anime Night, Silent Disco, Career Conversations, Be Proud, Be Responsible, Yoga for All, Things That Go, Comic Book Creation, Homework Pals, and Sensory Storytime. You can check out all our programs HERE!

Definitely check out these audiobooks! Use your card to get audiobooks from Libby (live-brary.com) or Hoopla Digital or take out audiobooks on CDs and Playaways at the library. But CD players? What is this, the 90s?

Anyway, check out these must hear books recommended by the NY Times: