Episode 310 Volunteer Fair and Books About Libraries

Welcome to episode 310! This week we discuss what is happening at the library and kid’s books about libraries. Takeaway: Sal wants to be a docent.

Nicole: Nicole loves TikTok. But she discusses some TikTokkers who are librarians and then some books that are about libraries or include librarians. Check out: My first trip to the library / by Katie Kawa, Working at the library / by Katie Marsico, Mr. Lemoncello’s great library race / Chris Grabenstein, Lola at the library / Anna McQuinn, Library lion / Michelle Knudsen.

Sara: We will be having our bi-annual volunteer fair at the library, we will have several agencies and groups here and all ages are welcome! Some groups that will be here are: The Special Olympics of New York, The Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Bethel Hobbs Farm, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society.